Minimalistic and Feature Dense

Cylinder head re-invented.

The only valve control technology to offer the highest number of features in a low-profile, minimal cylinder head design.

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Valves with purpose

Rotation vs. reciprocation.

Innovative, simple rotary design to improve the main function of opening and closing the air canals with higher capacities.

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No mechanical shenanigans

Fixed stroke-length VCR

Multi-volume discretely Variable Compression Ratio without any mechanical complexity, instantly, from low to very high ratios.

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Reduced Exhale Resistance

RPMs to the pistons

The intake can be pressurized, but not the exhaust. Bigger exhaust ports mean faster exhale and all the good that comes with it.

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Behavior Independence

Electronic actuation

Independent timings of valves and separation of cylinders to allow optimal engine function under different driving conditions.

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Secondary fuel option

Runtime fuel switching

Depending on the driving condition, ECU can instantly switch between a higher or lower energy density fuel type.

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